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Centar za mirovne studije predstaviti će u Briselu publikaciju  „Preporuke za sigurnosnu politiku EU temeljem iskustva izgradnje mira država nastalih dezintegracijom Jugoslavije" i održati raspravu na tu temu. 



Book Launch

"Recommendations for EU security policy based on peace building experience from countries formed by the disintegration of Yugoslavia"

The process of the dissolution of Yugoslavia has been lasting for almost 18 years and generated violent conflicts which involved all republics of ex-Yugoslavia.  Since Kosovo's independence we tend to believe that this process is finished and that all countries will be included in the EU accession process and eventually join the European Union like Slovenia in 2004.  Croatia is now officially a candidate country and will soon become a member.  It will then be the first EU Member State with a very recent war history and direct peace building experience. This experience combined with the experiences of other countries from the West Balkan region should be articulated and integrated into EU peace building and conflict prevention policies. This is why the Centre for Peace Studies (Zagreb) has collected and analysed the specific peace building experience and conflict prevention strategies developed in the conflict and post-conflict period in the Western Balkans.  The book presented at this event contains recommendations based on this crucial experience.

Date                       Tuesday, 29 June 2010, 16.30 - 19.00

Venue                    Radisson Blu EU Hotel, Rue d'Idalie 35, 1050 Brussels



16.30 Welcome: Marianne Ebertowski, director CFSP Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung European Union

 Presentation of the publication by the editors and authors:

o Lana Vego and Gordan Bosanac, Centre for Peace studies, Zagreb, Croatia; editors

o Vedran Horvat, Heinrich-Böll Stiftung, Head of Zagreb office: "Security or solidarity: which path to take?"

o Emina Bužinkić, Secretary General of Croatian Youth Network: "Importance of Peace Education"

o Dr Dejan Jović, University of Stirling (UK) and Chief Analyst, Office of the President of Croatia, reviewer 

17.30-18.00 Tea break

18.00-19.00 Discussion

 o Moderator: Sandra Benčić, consultant at Razbor and member of Centre for Peace Studies


No admittance without confirmed registration.  E-Mail registration only.  Please send the attached reply form to: Ebertowski@boell.eu


Supported by the European Commission - Crises Response & Peace Building, External Relations Directorat General - Grant contract: PBP-2008/2-007

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