“COMMUNITIES” OF PRACTICE How do we make integration practice in Europe?


Kroz tekst "Zajednice prakse" propitujemo trenutne prakse i politike integracije koje se provode u zemljama EU, kroz primjere Italije, Hrvatske, Slovenije i Austrije. Tekst je nastao u sklopu međunarodnog projekta WELCOMM te sadrži neke temeljne zaključke konferencije održane u lipnju 2019. na kojoj smo nastojali stvoriti interkulturnu atmosferu - pozivajući one koji su u društvima primitka rođeni i one koji su u tim društvima novi članovi. Pročitajte kako vidimo našu zajedničku suradnju i kako smo došli do zaključka "boreći se za prava migranata, borimo se za vlastita prava". 

Migration is a normal act of living being in which human beings or animals move from one place to another. This activity takes place on a daily basis for various reasons and with various consequences, which have different with socio-economic and political aspects.

Before going more deeply into the topic, it seems necessary to point out that this research is an effort by an international partnership among five civil society organisations active in the field of integration - coming from Austria, Croatia, Italy and Slovenia. The partnership was established around an EU AMIF (asylum, migration, integration) funded project WELCOMM - Supporting integration of third country nationals through developing learning and collaboration tools to build welcoming and inclusive communities, which developed different tools1 to facilitate the process of integration of third country nationals - providing online information, training seminars, and linking the expert and the community of practice. Developing such tools certainly puts one (who is in the position of “the first country” national) in a certain power position towards the ones defined as “third country nationals”. Do we accept it as such or do we use the funding mechanism to question and challenge it?

This project was funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund. The content of this communication represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.

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