Mediators in Roma Communities
This publication is intended for people who are working on overcoming institutional, social, and cultural obstacles – either through their position in the Roma community or their institutional position – to achieve social equality for the Roma. The publication has emerged alongside the development of an informal educational programme named The programme Mediators in Roma Communities, completed in two cycles in 2021, and organised by the Centre for Peace Studies and the Roma Youth Organisation of Croatia.
Roma activists, assistants, mentors, social workers, teachers, expert associates from schools, and police representatives participated in the programme.
This publication was completed with financial support from the European Union as part of the ARISE ROMA project, implemented as part of the programme ‘DG JUST, European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme 2014–2020’. The project and production of this publication have been cofinanced by the City of Zagreb and the Office for Cooperation with NGO-s of the Government of the Republic of Croatia.