Volontiranje - internship


There are currently no open positions for volunteering at CPS

Centre for Peace Studies (CPS) sometimes provides volunteering positions and internships. Most volunteers have been involved in working with asylum seekers. CPS is also part of the European Volunteer Service (EVS) program and thus able to receive volunteers from other European countries. Currently  there are no open positions for internship or volunteering. We will notify you on this website when there's new opportunities to apply. In the meantime, we encourage you to be active in your own local community :-) 


Trenutno nema otvorenih pozicija za volontiranje

U Centru za mirovne studije postoji mogućnost volontiranja, kao i internshipa. Prvenstvo volontiranja u CMS-u imaju polaznici/e Mirovnih studija. Do danas najviše je volontera/ki uključeno u rad sa tražiteljima azila. Nažalost, trenutno nema otvorenih pozicija za volontiranje niti za internship. Obavještavati ćemo vas putem ove internet stranice o mogućnostima i otvorenim pozicijama unutra CMS-a.



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